
The Healthy Blog: blog

Reveal Your Best Self: Semaglutide Unveils Breakthrough Weight-Loss Transformation

Exciting news for anyone looking to manage their weight—Semaglutide is here to revolutionize obesity treatment! This innovative weight loss solution…

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Vitamin B12 for Energy and Weight-loss

There are many benefits to vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods,…

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Don’t Let Your Job Sabotage Your Weight-Loss Goals

Your job is crucial to your savings account’s bottom line, but probably not so friendly to the bottom you sit…

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No Gym for Exercise? No Problem!

It doesn’t take a math degree to understand the diet plan equation: fewer calories IN than OUT equals weight loss.…

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Sleep Your Way to Weight Loss? 6 Tips to Maximize Sleep for Weight Loss

You eat right. You exercise regularly. You visit your Beach Cities Medical Weight Control center for the best in weight…

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Change Your Environment to Aid in Weight Loss

When it comes right down to it, a great deal of weight gain is due to a preference for convenience.…

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Quench Your Thirst and Boost Your Health with Fruit-Infused Water

Water. It’s the very basis of life – you can’t survive much longer than three days without it. A well-hydrated…

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Get Your Abs in Shape with These 5 Easy Exercises

Sure, you want to lose weight fast, not only to look your best, but also to feel your best. But…

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The Health Advantages of a Home-Cooked Meal

Your life is hectic, and it sometimes seems like taking the time to prepare a home-cooked meal just isn’t possible.…

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Finding a Weight-Loss Buddy

We understand…. You have the best intentions and the firmest of goals for weight loss, but sometimes, the going gets…

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The Benefits of Rest

You’re certainly familiar with the after-effects of a lousy night’s sleep: fatigue, irritability and brain fog. You might also be…

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How to Give Your Morning a Boost

How to Give Your Morning a Boost The sun is up and your alarm clock is ringing. It’s the beginning…

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Diet Habits that make you Moody

Starting off on a brand-new weight loss program can be a tricky thing; a food regimen that is vastly different…

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Portion Control Tips

Curbing your appetite may be a tall glass to fill, especially when temptation seems to be everywhere around us. It…

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Get Your Significant Other to Work Out with You!

If you’re not already working out with your partner, it’s never too late to get started. You may be surprised…

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Chocolate & Wine; A Valentine’s Must-Have, but are they really good for you?

Even though you’ve probably heard it a thousand times already, Happy New Year! Although the year may be filled to…

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Shopping with Your Body in Mind

We’ve all had bad experiences while shopping. You find clothes you like, but they just don’t complement your body well,…

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Deskercise – Stay Fit at Work

There’s nothing more detrimental to your fitness goals than a desk job. You’re stuck, sitting, for hours on end with…

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For the Sweet Tooth; Ways to use Treats to keep you on Track!

Most of us know that Halloween kicks off the beginning of the holiday season and we’ll be surrounded by plenty…

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For our Non-runners: Tips for going from the Couch to Running Every Day.

Yes, the couch is a comfortable place, and you may even have sunk-in cushions and a mini-fridge within reach to…

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Posting to Social Media About Your Weight Loss: Beneficial or Not?

For some, weight loss can be a very personal matter; for others, the idea of shedding excess weight and sharing…

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Keeping Active with your Kids: Healthy Family Recipes

It’s been a while since our last blog post, and for that, we apologize. We’ve spent the entire summer helping…

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Prepare Prior to Spring Break Trips to Prevent Unwanted Gains

With Spring Break coming soon, there will be plenty of party plans on itineraries around the world and while that…

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Incorporating Healthy Eating and Exercise into Spring Break

Spring Break. It’s all about fun and partying and being able to do things you wouldn’t normally do. For those…

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Weight Loss Benefits Overall Health

When it comes to losing weight, most people think of certain things that come along with it. For some, it’s…

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Goals that are Reachable and How to Plan Them

Goals are the first step to starting a diet because that is the ground work. That is what you are…

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Getting a Late Start on a New Year’s Resolution

It occurs every year. You’re sitting there on December 31st and contemplating what it is you are going to dictate…

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3 Tips to Avoid the Holiday Overeating Trap

The holiday season is here and that means a very real risk of overeating for millions of Americans who find…

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Emotional Overeating

Weight Loss Help: Emotional Overeating Sometimes the strongest longings for food happens when you are at your weakest point emotionally.…

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7 Easy Ways to Exercise Without a Gym

So you want to get moving to burn more calories and fat and help to increase the effectiveness of your medical weight…

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Internet Resources for menu options

Free weight loss journal. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension – Lowers blood pressure, improves response to high blood pressure medication,…

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Why we need so much water

What does drinking water have to do with losing weight?  EVERYTHING! Drinking water is not only important to your health,…

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Tips to healthier snacking

Snacking will not make you fat: Only too many calories overall will do that.  In fact, a 100 to 200…

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Skipping Breakfast is a bad move

Here’s a thought that will get you up and running:  People who skip breakfast may not be as successful with…

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18 Dieting Mistakes That Will Sabotage Losing Weight

Although cutting back on desserts and checking the calorie and fat grams on food labels is a great start when…

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