Tustin Weight Loss Clinic

Weight Loss Clinic

Your Weight Loss Clinic

Beach Cities Medical Weight Control is now extending its services to those who live in the City of Tustin. Although you’re just a few minutes away from our state-of-the-art facility, it may take a little longer to shed those extra pounds that have been nagging at you for an even lengthier period of time. In order to get you started down the path of healthy weight loss, the first step involves a free consultation with Dr. Hartleroad and his associates.

Dulce lost 42 lbs!*
Jason lost 50 lbs!*
Dean lost 71 lbs!*
Alexandra lost 20 lbs!*
Yessenia L lost 24 lbs!*
Oscar lost 26 lbs!*
Jason lost 76 lbs!*
Mindy C lost 32 lbs!*
KT lost 68 lbs!*
Michelle lost 66 lbs!*

We specialize in weight loss strategies offering optimal help akin to what you’d find at a Tustin weight loss clinic, focusing on restoring your best self with a renewed strategy.

With our extensive experience, we’ve developed the most effective combination of weight loss services aimed at achieving the best outcomes for our patients.

Tustin Weight Loss Clinic orange_grove
  • During your free consultation, our staff will gather the necessary information concerning your overall health, as well as how much weight you’d like to lose. We’ll also show you how we go about catering to each patient’s individual needs, which includes a combination of workable diet and exercise routines, but also how these two components will coincide with a regimen of our FDA approved supplements.

    We’ll also discuss a few other things related to the entire process, which should take about an hour. If it turns out that you like the way we do things here at Beach Cities Medical, we can get you started as soon as you’re ready. Before all of this can take place, however, you’ll need to give us a call and we’ll set up your free consultation.

    What We offer

Your Weight Loss Journey Starts Today

Our medically supervised program is tailored to your personal goals, helping you feel and look your best.